Sunday, February 10, 2008

Reading by the Riverside

"To see a world in a grain of sandAnd a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your handAnd eternity in an hour." ~ William Blake ~

Have you ever dreamed of sipping a cup of cappuccino while reading a favorite novel in your back yard beside a river? It could be considered a luxurious lifestyle in this modern world…well, depending on where the house is located actually.

The riverside idea is not really fascinating to me as long as the house is surrounded by bunches of mosquitoes. Sounds pretty nasty, doesn't it? However, I do like the tranquility as presented in this picture. If I can live in a house like that, I must have a dog. Shibainu is definitely my first choice. Then, what else? What kinds of cars do I need? ...Probably an SUV. What about Acura MDX 2008 or Lexus RX350!? ----------HaHaHaHa…either one is perfect. Of course, I shall have a mini-bar beside my living room. Imagine there is a comfortable couch with a reading light by the side. I can make a cup of coffee, go back to my reading, and pat my dog sometimes.

What's the eternity in an hour? For years, I have been praying for the tranquil moments in my mind…An hour is enough…if only I can really hold those moments in the palm of my hands sometimes.


Yoshiki said...

The music goes well with the picture, actually. humm BUT I HATE mosquitoes. I have a bad memory of them. I do not desribe here but it was really awful... Please do not remind me of mosquitoes by such a nice picture!!

「不為無益之事,何以悦有涯之生」 said...

hahaha..Well, let's forget about the mosquitoes. Have a cup of "Nespresso," sit back and relax. Sounds nice, doesn't it? ^_^

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