If I remember correctly, I had this bottle in winter, 2004, in Taiwan. It was my beginner-level whisky, which can be categorized as the same level as Suntory whisky. But the difference is that Suntory is more mild and smooth, making peace with your tongue and nose. J & B is more like a young guy…always listen to rock & roll and like spicy food.
Maybe it's just because of the unique climate pattern in Scotland, I can taste the salty touch of J & B. Have you ever eaten pears or any kind of fruit with Chinese plum powder? The sweetness and sourness of the fruit will be blended by the plum flavor, and that makes a great combo. I think that's the spirit I can get from J & B.
Well, I know! I need to control the amount of whisky I drink every day. It's just I really had a hard time falling asleep this week.
I pray to God…please give me strength and wisdom to deal with all the difficulties in my life. I am pretty lost right now since I may not remember to forgive, to be considerate, and to give love. Give me some clues, please. And I will follow and learn.
Thank you…!!!