Tuesday, September 21, 2010


親愛なる君へ :

夏末~秋初 2010

往芝加哥路上,朝陽初昇的天空,Connie 非要我停下來看看!還是她的眼光好,佇足凝神往遠方望去,有希望時間停止的感動

問我在美國這些年,能有天留在心裡絕對不會忘記的是什麼? 我想恐怕就是釣魚了!有一個教授送我一幅月曆,還記得上面寫著:「很多垂釣者終其一生都可能沒有發覺,其實另他們追尋/著迷的,從來都不是魚(譯文)」!

有多少時刻、多少寒暑、多少閒逸的湖邊垂釣,與湖對話、與釣竿相伴、與樹林和動物們對望!這是一幅畫 ~~ 如果真能如魔戒裡的幻化,真希望我可以變成精靈,永遠與山林為伴!




Nautica 是不是該考慮請我去當個模特兒啊!嗯~~XXX~~不行啦,Nautica好像是走遊艇運動風ㄝ!哈哈哈!

我還是側面看起來比較有型 ^^

Monday, September 20, 2010

Turkey Run State Park & Shawnee National Forest

After mid-August, 2010, I move to a new place and start a new leaf of my life in Terre Haute. It is a house of three bedrooms, two living rooms, one kitchen, and a big beautiful back yard. I shared the rent and living cost with two "housemates" who are both ten years young than me. Sometimes, I jokingly call myself as their uncle, taking care of their life like a butler. Well, indeed, I am a little more experienced in daily-life chores than they are. And yet, catching missing bats and jumping crickets in the basement is totally new mission for me in the US. I really hope there will not be anything else coming out from this 100-year-old house.

Settling down in the new housing, I went on trips of hiking with my friends to Turkey Run State Park and Shawnee National Forest. Again, I was stunned by the spectacular scenery, fresh air, and abundant varieties of animals in those natural environment in the US. Friendship and laughter seemed to make the trips "vigorous," fun, and unforgettable.

Racoon, Penny, Karen, Queena, and me.

Thanks to Racoon and Penny's pork chop sandwiches. We all had a good time.

(free from starving)

I was not actually a nature-goer before I came to the US. Taiwanese outdoors was always full of people that the crowd of people usually drove me crazy. However, the stone formations in Shawnee National Forest were really magnificent and breath-taking! When I stood on the giant rock and tried to see as far as I could, the trees, the sky, and flying eagles took my mind away. Had I a pair of wings on my back, I would fly with the eagles to the end of the world.

On the way back, we played funny faces in the car. Hahahahaha….these were normal ones.

Then……well ~~~SHOW TIME~~~

Karen……you should join the circus ~~~!!!

Morning Breakfast in Mid-Autumn Festival

I haven’t been able to watch TV on a regular basis for a long time/or since I was in the U.S. This has formed my habit of not watching cabl...