Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lab Administrator

Yeah, I come back to work in the language lab. Now I am in charge of this technology classroom. Well, what’s the title…?! Oh, they call me Lab Administrator (quoted from
Sounds cool, doesn’t it? But basically, I sit there and do my homework all the time. There is not much stuff to be taken care of in this lab.
The hardware and software of the computers in the lab have been updated this semester. Finally, we have Office 2007 version installed in the computers…
God bless us!
Somehow I still feel a little bit lonely here. Two years ago, when Tama, Sherry, Sean, and Yoshiki were all employees here, we had a nice time working together. I missed the time we went to the German Beer festival at the end of the semester. It was the “friendship” that made me active and energetic.
PS: The logo above belongs to LLL Department, Indiana State University.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monroe Lake 釣遊

任性自在的人生親愛なる君へ :


那天水色還算清澈,就是風有點大,天氣陰陰的,但不像會下雨的樣子!本想著到這麼大的水庫釣魚,怎麼著都得中一隻大尾的吧!沒想到四個小時下來,由樹掛零,我釣到一條小不拉嘰的條紋鱸魚(striped bass)!



Morning Breakfast in Mid-Autumn Festival

I haven’t been able to watch TV on a regular basis for a long time/or since I was in the U.S. This has formed my habit of not watching cabl...