Monday, August 25, 2008

Monroe Lake 釣遊

任性自在的人生親愛なる君へ :


那天水色還算清澈,就是風有點大,天氣陰陰的,但不像會下雨的樣子!本想著到這麼大的水庫釣魚,怎麼著都得中一隻大尾的吧!沒想到四個小時下來,由樹掛零,我釣到一條小不拉嘰的條紋鱸魚(striped bass)!




Yoshiki said...

I do not see any fish in your picture!! Maybe, it is too small to see!!Haha Next time, we have to get big ones. Seriously, we have to research.

BTW, I think I already said this but let me say again. It is just cool to see my name among chanese characters, and I have never been more attracted to my name!!(cited from the phrase from Debora when she says this phrase, Raymond was clearning the curtain by the vacuum he bought.. I think I have been watching the comedy too much....

「不為無益之事,何以悦有涯之生」 said...

I should also post another picture of yours. Then you may not like to have your name beside it.
What picture!?
Remember you were changing your XXXXX in Chinook!??

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