This pot of honeycomb tripe took me more than three hours. Look delicious!? Actually, I put too much sugar in the sauce that it tasted a little too sweet, not as what I have expected. Next time, I will use Coke as substitution for sugar because its sweetness is just fine and the color looks deeper. Am I coming closer to a chef!?
By the way, I learned how to preserve garlic with vinegar. Oh! You will never imagine how it tastes with dumplings. It's a chef's combination from God's inspiration. But the disadvantage is that you will have an awfully bad breath after eating garlic. Well, what the heck! Why should I care? It's not like I am having a date every evening or something! Those who will complain about my bad breath may be Sharon, Yoshiki, Anchang, and Nathan cause I hang out with them the most.
What!? So I eat too much garlic…SUE me!!! ^_^