Friday, April 2, 2010

Please Love the Earth

Once again, I am fascinated with the scenery and squirrels on my way to the language lab. Spring sunshine is so warm, and yet sometimes comes with little breeze…(of blossoms). I know I am getting late for work, but can not help taking pictures of the cute tiny flowers in the tree. They look like "HOPE," growing from an old man's withering finger.

This reminds me of a blog entry composed by a Taiwanese journalist: 揭開中國繁榮的真相It's about the environmental truth behind the prosperous China. The blog owner and I don't know each other, but her blog almost burst me into tears.

If Chinese people keep destroying the environment like that, prosperity will not mean anything. I've heard that Chinese government has spare no efforts saving pandas in recent years. The milk powder they use for panda babies has to be imported from foreign countries. Well, since pandas are under such a "luxurious" protection, what about human beings? A 15-year-old boy has to work in a mine all day to make RMB $16 (USD $2.34), but a panda baby can drink imported milk every day!!! What an ironic living condition!!!

I have to say that…I would feel strongly ashamed of being a citizen if my nationality were PRC.

(If my comments cause any inconvenience or offend the blog owner, please inform me and accept my apology.)

It's now spring time here in Terre Haute: beautiful days…gorgeous weather…and most important of all, unpolluted natural environment. The bass I got is safe to eat, but I still released it. (I've been fishing in Indiana for two years, and I only ate two trout.) Bass fishing has been becoming more and more popular in China recently. I bet it's owing to the widespread of American sports!

Let's cross our fingers that Chinese people can learn from the spirit of catch-and-release and raise their awareness of environmental protection.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


親愛なる君へ :


別以為我真的是「城市孩子」,小時候,我還真的有一段時間拿著竹竿當球棒、一顆五元台幣的棒球、幾塊石頭當壘牌,和同學一起在巷子裡打棒球!一到台灣或是日本有棒球賽事,就會跟表哥擠在房間看比賽!我第一頂棒球帽,就是政憲表哥送我的日本西武隊的(藍色帽子+白色的獅子隊徽)! 跟同學們打球時,我很明顯不是當投手的球員,也不是強棒!但是我跑得快,往往只要打得到球,我都一定能跑上壘!我那時就很羨慕當投手,控制全場比賽的節奏,也通常都是隊長;談判是他,有時,跟他隊開扁,也是他帶頭(威風吧)!




去年回台灣一趟,我要是一提到美國那裡好,就有一股「視力」飆過來,好像就是在告訴我:「喔!念幾年書,美國的月亮比較圓是不是!?」 我其實很冤,我其實愛這塊土地,我也希望在這片福爾摩沙終老!就是因為愛、關心,所以我會痛心,會生氣,會想要改變啊!




Morning Breakfast in Mid-Autumn Festival

I haven’t been able to watch TV on a regular basis for a long time/or since I was in the U.S. This has formed my habit of not watching cabl...