Thursday, January 29, 2009

SNOW in the Lifetime

It has been snowing since Monday night (January 26)……2 days and none stop. I have never had such big snow in Terre Haute. This is my first time! Well, it’s beautiful, looking like a white wonderland.

Monday night (Jan. 26): It started to snow after 7:00 pm. Everything -including roads, sidewalks, and roofs - was soon covered with snow. I was in my apartment, enjoying this marvelous moments: thank God! I don’t need to drive or go out during snowing.

The other day (Jan. 27): After the workout in the Leclub, I stopped by my car to see if I need to clean out the snow on my car. Well, the situation was somehow tolerable at that time while things became dramatically “funny” on Wednesday (Jan. 28).

On my way to the language lab around 11:00 am, I found the snow has been “piled up” so high that I should really need a pair of very tall snow boots. Thanks to “somebody,” walking on the sidewalk was very rather comfortable and pleasant. However, while I intended to get into the ISU parking lot, I “physically” buried my boots and part of my Jeans in the snow.
When I finally made it to my car, Connie looked like a Boston Lemon pie with Vanilla sugar powder on the top. And, by the way, the snow surrounding Connie might account for some waitress’ generosity – OR was the vanilla sugar on the house that day? Hahahahahaha…
Anyway, I spent 30 minutes shoveling the snow around Connie before I almost got late to work in the lab. As I left, I found that I will never move the car out of the parking lot even if I shovel all the snow around Connie. The driveway in the parking lot was still filled with snow that normal sedans can hardly go in such a condition.
Well, what the heck! ……I can still use my legs!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


親愛なる君へ :

剛下雪時的街道是最美的,一片白、一片矇矇雪片紛飛,將擾人心神的五顏六色都給蓋住了,淨化了! 我是個躲在家裡的小頑童,藏身百葉窗後,撇見雪中過往的人們!


看他的樣子,我想不超過25!但也許是我眼拙,畢竟我看洋鬼子,和洋鬼子看我是差不多的:他們長得都一個兒樣!!! 他停了下來,四處望了幾眼,呼了一口氣,又繼續往前走! 我好像在那部電影裡看過這動作?!?喔,對了! 戲裡賊搶銀行前就是這德相! 嘿嘿,感情我家樓下要發生搶案啦?!?可我家樓下沒有銀行啊,除了兩家快倒不倒的餐館和一直都好像很有生意的建築公司!

他走進其中一家餐館,而我開始讀秒!一則,我想知道他搶完錢後花多久時間可以逃走;二來,我也想看看警察會花多久時間到達第一現場! 時間一分一秒地過去了,我很驚訝地發現這傢伙竟然在裡面呆了5分多鐘,而警察卻連個鬼影都沒見到!(我把手機放在手邊,這樣我可以隨時撥911) 時間逼近6分半,匪徒終於現身! 靠,這小子也太蠢啦,居然搶了錢又拿一大袋食物!他不會是一面搶錢一面叫店員現做牛肉捲吧!?! ….他手裡還有店家的招牌,頭上也多帶了印有店家商標的鴨舌帽!

….. 這個少年ㄟ是新來的外送夥計啦! ㄘㄟ…………………………………………

Morning Breakfast in Mid-Autumn Festival

I haven’t been able to watch TV on a regular basis for a long time/or since I was in the U.S. This has formed my habit of not watching cabl...