Thursday, August 11, 2011

咖啡味の 夢想

親愛なる君へ :

曾幾何時,白色襯衫、牛仔褲、深海軍藍的圍裙;陽光、Bossa Nova 音樂、手中的Syphon,陣陣咖啡香! 我還曾幻想自己是店老闆,煮出來的咖啡一杯杯都要親自喝過,就算站了一整天的吧檯,就算連午餐都沒時間吃,只要客人滿足地說:「小諾,咖啡、還是喝你煮的最讚。」呵呵,那是連作夢都會笑的場景!

這麼些年了,我始終不會忘記花園裡學過的東西,所有輕食的作法及要領,就好似如數家珍地、不時地浮現在眼前! 在美國這麼多年,吃過那麼多西餐,但在心裡,咖啡和三明治仍然是最佳拍擋!

今天中午的午餐是用Honey Wheat Bagel 做的雞柳三明治!沒有啥訣竅,Romaine 菜加上紫洋蔥,雞柳切平用薄油煎熟後灑上一點黑胡椒鹽,然後再放一點蛋黃醬和Bagel夾起來就行了! 健康輕食主義:少鹽少油又少糖! 咖啡的話,也是餐後一小時搭配幾片燕麥餅乾一起喝的!不會影響到正餐的消化!



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's not fish I am after

What is my hobby? For lots of Taiwanese students, in fact, a hobby is sort of luxurious thought. In my memory, there was no such a thing as a hobby for me from elementary school to college; Oh, yeah, not even when I was in the master's program in the U.S. I've never collected stamps which was considered a "good" hobby when I was in the elementary school. I did play some sports, including baseball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, and basketball. But none of them developed into the category of "my favorite hobby." Obviously, I am not tall and strong enough. On the other hand, sports in Taiwan are seldom developed into profitable career unless they are associated with gangs or illegal gambling.

Well, somehow I still feel myself lucky because I find something that will be my lifelong interest: bass fishing. Fishing was not really my thing when I grew up in Taiwan. I've never thought that sitting there and waiting fish to bite the bait is so much fun. However, bass fishing in the U.S. consists of various rigs, skills, lures, and knowledge. Just talking about rigs and tips, we may easily find tons of information about them on Google Search. Some may regard bass fishing as a leisure activity while others may take it as a professional career. For me, I'd like to view bass fishing as competitions between human and nature. There is no winning or losing but endless mind game in this sport. Let me quote a saying from a fishing calendar (which was a gift from my favorite professor, Dr. Nelson): many men go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.

My rod, reel, and rig: Shimano Voltaeus 6.6' Medium casting rod, Shimano Curado 200E7, and 3/8 oz jig with Strike King Rage Tail craw (Okeechobee).

The rod on the right is Daiwa 6' Medium Light Spinning rod and Neko rig with Zoom Swamp crawler (June bug).

Seldom do I say: I am a big fan of … I mean I like Kevin VanDam. Talking about bass fishing in the world, he is definitely #1 in my mind. But to be honest, I like Hata Takuma better. Sometimes he is more like a comedian to me. He is funny even when he is fishing. Maybe it's his spirit that make me feel that fishing is an enjoyable sport: enjoying the process of fishing, learning from each fishing experience, and letting the results go by the God's will.

Morning Breakfast in Mid-Autumn Festival

I haven’t been able to watch TV on a regular basis for a long time/or since I was in the U.S. This has formed my habit of not watching cabl...