At the end of June, 2008, Connie and I went all the way southwest to St. Louis, Oklahoma, Taxes, New Mexico, and back from Colorado and Kansas. It was a three-day driving: over two thousand miles.
First of all, the scenery on the road was fascinating: beautiful buildings in urban St. Louis, deserts and mountains in Taxes, New Mexico and Colorado. I did not make it to Arizona since it was really too far. Being driving alone, I did not think I would have the energy to go sightseeing once I got there.
In terms of experience, secondly, this trip really strengthened my will to drive and travel alone. I really don't think I will do this after going back to Taiwan. I am not say that I will not be afraid of anything because of this trip, but it's true that I will be brave enough to encounter any challenge afterwards. As a matter of fact, I realize my limits and potentials since I accomplished this trip alone. Hopefully, I will not travel alone again because it was "
FREAKING" boring to drive alone on highways of USA. What accompanied me all the way:
Road kills, sky, STRAIGHT roads, horses, cows, and please don't forget, highway patrols.
Yeah! That's right! They are US police officers on highways. I got a speeding ticket on the third day. According to the Kansas highway patrol, I was going 85 mph on the road of speed limit 70 mph. The fine was
USD$126. Well, that was my first time to get a speeding ticket! I mean I've never got a speeding ticket before, not even in Taiwan. Hahahaha…The fine was high enough to make me obey speed limit since then. (Once again, I am pretty satisfied with Connie…V6 engine is the best. Hahahahaha...)

See! The road is too straight without many cars on it. It's really difficult not to be speeding. Hahahahaha...

I've never seen this kind of cars before. USA is the great country where people drive strange cars. This car was very high because of the huge tires. When I stopped at the gas station, I saw the owner of the car push his husky dog upwards really hard since the car was too high for the dag to get on. Hahaha…what the heck!