Sunday, March 23, 2008

Political Week

This week was actually quite political to me. First of all, Hillary Clinton came to Terre Haute on March 20th (Thursday). What’s more, she was just about 100 meters away from me in front of my apartment. I knew I would not be able to stay too close to her any way so that I just watched her from my apartment window. Out of security concern, she was surrounded by several bodyguards, looking vigorous and younger than how she is on TV. This was the first time for me see a politician celebrity so close and real. Well, I do not have the right to vote In the US and I am not one of her fans. It was just an interesting experience for me to see a “possible” US president candidate in front of my place. Hahahaha…it was not like the things you can see every day out of your window.
Second of all, Ma Ying-jeou won the president election on March 22nd (Saturday), Taiwan time……Hurray!!!!! Well, I am not a KMT fan, neither a DPP one. I am just a critical Taiwanese who is really tired of Chen Shui-bian’s presidency. I was very excited about Ma's victory and impressed by his calm and reasonable delivery of the speech when he knew he won the election. He just showed Taiwanese people his manner of integrity, modesty, and wisdom. I really hope Ma can lead Taiwanese people toward a better future by presenting the advanced development of our democracy in Taiwan. (By the way, I may have something to say to Lien Chan, Wang Jin-pyng, and James Soong: if you three cannot fully support President Ma, please at least don't do anything harmful to him or KMT, just for gaining your popularity. I don't think you three are better than Ma. To be honest, you three can just retire if you cannot devote yourself to Ma's presidency.)
Well, well, well! I have enough political excitement this week. Last but not least, DO NOT think you can escape and get away from a justice judge of your corruption and scandals, Mr. Chen Shui-bian. You'd better wash your ass before you go to jail.

Do you see the future of Taiwan?.....

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