Thursday, February 14, 2008

One Fine Day

It was a little warm today. 'Warmness,' according to the current location, is about zero Celsius. Well, if my family heard me saying this, they would be probably saying: oh, then it is freaking cold there in Terre Haute.

I've never been to any northern states in the U.S. Maybe I should really go there and experience what's called "DMAN COLD."

Looking out the window of College of Education, I was composing the concept map of my future dissertation. The flow of thoughts ran like a crazy cat in my brain. I kept searching the ideas I got from the bibliography assignment. It seemed to me that the conceptual frame was being constructed piece by piece. After presenting my ideas to Dr. Powers, She actually gave me a positive feedback that I just keep going on the right track. "It's complicated though," said Yoshiki. I know…it may be a little bit!!! But I guess that's the way it is. All that I need to do is go on and get it done…

I was kind of surprised that I did not fall asleep because of the tiring exercise before the class. The sunshine was quite comfortable. Smell the air and take a deep breath! I know…I can feel it...this land is waking up. Spring is not far away.

The picture! Yoshiki was very good at taking my pictures from the angle that I look pretty "fat." Good job, pal! Now I will really keep working out in the Le Club, trying to lose several pounds of fat…!!! Is this how you keep me from being lazy working out with you? You really know how to get me do it, don't you? Hahahaha…

Well, well, well...please take a look at this, my BROTHER---My Dinner! Butter chicken spaghetti with vegetables in parmesan & Mozzarella sauce. I made it by myself. That's right…very cheesy and buttery. Oh, by the way, I found some beer left in my refrigerator. What a great combo! For sure, this is why I can not get rid of the fat around my waist. What the heck...Gan-bai…!!!!!

Life should be wasted in anything that makes you happy …^_^ …


Yoshiki said...

You know what? what you have to do is just catch the crazy cat, and force it run like a damn straight line!!

Don't you think it is a nice picture? No shaking, no fuzzyness!!and a big smile there. I think it is a good one regardless whether YOU THINK you look fat.

So you know I did not ask you to be fat!! You must have lost some weight by working out but you are eating more than the speed you losing it. haha like the delicious food you put there.

Why the hell do you want to lose weight by torturing you? You have to have something you love, like drinking. Nothing too much is good, as far as you do properly, Engjoy!! Kanpai!!(乾杯!!)

「不為無益之事,何以悦有涯之生」 said...

Hahahahaha...damn straight line! Next time when I am drunk, I may run in straight line to your apartment!!!!! ^_^

diby said...

Yo... nice dinner hei?! Too bad you're eating alone. Ooops, I mean at least I could have been there with you. Looks yummmm!! Good skill you have there! :)

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