Monday, November 1, 2010


親愛なる君へ :

如果你在台北街頭淋雨,會不會想著地中海的陽光 ; 如果你在賽那河畔喝著咖啡,會不會擔心著少上一天班就少賺了一天的退休金!拿著鈔票談風月,任誰都可以瀟灑地「天子呼來不上船」!!!





三年了,Connie 陪著我,不離不棄 我去釣魚,她陪我一起餵蚊子; 我去買東西,她靜靜地等我 ; 我心情低落時,她陪我一起聽歌!






















Friday, October 15, 2010

Autumn Awareness

People say there is no "autumn" around Terre Haute. When the temperature starts to drop (from 30 to 20 ) drastically during day time, the winter will not be far away. Well, I am a guy who is more used to hot weather than cold one (since I come from a tropical country). So I always pay attention to the changes of daily weather in case I maget cold, especially in the very early morning.

The drop of the temperature reminds people of the coming winter that also makes me think of the limited days I can stay in the US. Ever since I got my Master's degree, everything here has been keeping changing, including friends, campus, the view of the city, and the little cute car with beautiful painting on it. Every car is painted by specific artist who is sponsored by certain organizations/companies.

Quite a lovely scene on the street, isn't it?

I wonder if the art-painting work can also be done on the street of Taiwan. Or would it take "great" efforts to keep the art work clean and beautiful if Taiwanese people had little decent public morality?

In view of the coming cold weather, I finally made up my mind having my timing belt changed. Around the Toyota logo stayed the butterfly…Connie and I decided not to disturb her. I think Connie enjoyed her company, gently resting on Connie's face. Isn't this peaceful!?

The sunshine still spared no strength trying to warm up the earth, trees, and our mind though it's time winter gradually regained its power. Connie and I sat quietly on the sidewalk, appreciating the beauty of this endless competition. Actually, we seemed to care no more.


Just let the view help us rest our tiring heart.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


親愛なる君へ :







Tuesday, September 21, 2010


親愛なる君へ :

夏末~秋初 2010

往芝加哥路上,朝陽初昇的天空,Connie 非要我停下來看看!還是她的眼光好,佇足凝神往遠方望去,有希望時間停止的感動

問我在美國這些年,能有天留在心裡絕對不會忘記的是什麼? 我想恐怕就是釣魚了!有一個教授送我一幅月曆,還記得上面寫著:「很多垂釣者終其一生都可能沒有發覺,其實另他們追尋/著迷的,從來都不是魚(譯文)」!

有多少時刻、多少寒暑、多少閒逸的湖邊垂釣,與湖對話、與釣竿相伴、與樹林和動物們對望!這是一幅畫 ~~ 如果真能如魔戒裡的幻化,真希望我可以變成精靈,永遠與山林為伴!




Nautica 是不是該考慮請我去當個模特兒啊!嗯~~XXX~~不行啦,Nautica好像是走遊艇運動風ㄝ!哈哈哈!

我還是側面看起來比較有型 ^^

Monday, September 20, 2010

Turkey Run State Park & Shawnee National Forest

After mid-August, 2010, I move to a new place and start a new leaf of my life in Terre Haute. It is a house of three bedrooms, two living rooms, one kitchen, and a big beautiful back yard. I shared the rent and living cost with two "housemates" who are both ten years young than me. Sometimes, I jokingly call myself as their uncle, taking care of their life like a butler. Well, indeed, I am a little more experienced in daily-life chores than they are. And yet, catching missing bats and jumping crickets in the basement is totally new mission for me in the US. I really hope there will not be anything else coming out from this 100-year-old house.

Settling down in the new housing, I went on trips of hiking with my friends to Turkey Run State Park and Shawnee National Forest. Again, I was stunned by the spectacular scenery, fresh air, and abundant varieties of animals in those natural environment in the US. Friendship and laughter seemed to make the trips "vigorous," fun, and unforgettable.

Racoon, Penny, Karen, Queena, and me.

Thanks to Racoon and Penny's pork chop sandwiches. We all had a good time.

(free from starving)

I was not actually a nature-goer before I came to the US. Taiwanese outdoors was always full of people that the crowd of people usually drove me crazy. However, the stone formations in Shawnee National Forest were really magnificent and breath-taking! When I stood on the giant rock and tried to see as far as I could, the trees, the sky, and flying eagles took my mind away. Had I a pair of wings on my back, I would fly with the eagles to the end of the world.

On the way back, we played funny faces in the car. Hahahahaha….these were normal ones.

Then……well ~~~SHOW TIME~~~

Karen……you should join the circus ~~~!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


親愛なる君へ :


星期二由樹生日,我和安昌邀他下午一起去釣魚、然後一起去大吃一頓!地點選在 Buffalo Wild Wings. 妳可以看到一堆的雞翅和小雞腿,還有一大杯的啤酒!是的,這就是男人的宵夜!(想養肚子的,儘管這麼吃!叔叔我在美國五年來,包括這一次,只去過四次!) 當然啦,如果你和由樹一樣是那種『爆吃不胖』的體質….嘿嘿!

不過這家店的雞翅那真是過癮!那晚我們一共吃了50支,點了五種不同的醬料……….我個人覺得spicy garlic (辣蒜味)和 blazin' (譯語:燃燒)最是有勁!尤其是blazin',那真是後勁十足,辣到我跟安昌猛灌啤酒!


這是我光榮的傷兵:Lake Fork Magic Live Shad


Monday, April 26, 2010


親愛なる君へ :






這天,我釣到10幾尾鱸魚,有時餌一下水,就被拖著跑了!看看它的嘴,吞下一隻bluegill 那是沒啥問題的!



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Missouri Corn Cob Pipe

I've quit smoking for almost two years…(Well, I don't remember if it really lasts this long!) Anyway, I do not smoke normal cigarettes any more. Last week, however, I smoked again because I found an interesting something: Missouri Corn Cob Pipe.

Take a look at this little cute pipe. It's probably not a big deal for Americans, but it sure interests foreigners like me. ^_^

(Just like some Americans may think it cool to tattoo Chinese characters on the arms.)

At the bottom of the bowl, there's a sticker indicating its origin and manufacturer. I've never seen this when I started to smoke pipe in Taiwan. Well, I'll definitely buy a brand new one, bring it back to Taiwan, and make it as one of my pipe collections. It may not be as subtle and delicate as briar pipes, but it surely represents the old American pipe smoking tradition.

I was smoking this corn cob pipe in Hawthorn Park while fishing with Anchang. The tobacco was Prince Albert's Cherry Vanilla. To be honest, I may not criticize its flavor & taste since $3.29 USD a pouch is already cheap enough. But I could not help but keep missing Mac Baren Vanilla cream and Stanwell vanilla tobacco.

(By the way, Anchang and I got "COUNTLESS" fish that day. ^_^)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Time Fun

Spring time in Terre Haute (Indiana) is quite charming. I may not be able to recognize each flower's name, but their beautiful "figures" really cheer me up while walking in the campus.
This one looks very cute and pretty but smells not so pleasant!
Spring time, fishing time! This fat-belly female bass was caught in Ji Case (Hawthorn Park). I put it back right afte the picture. Hope she gives birth to lots of baby bass this year.
I think it's tulip. "COLORFUL" (Family Housing Unit 4)
I bet this goose is the guardian or the father of little geese arond the lake. Whenever I got closer to them, he started to make loud noise so that little geese would swim away.
Anchang and I were fascinated by these two ducks. They were always together no matter what! Cute duck copule!!! ^_^
The squirrel didn't like me and my camera. In a blink of an eye, it ran away.
Finishing the gym workout, Yoshiki and I could not help but keep taking pictures of those pretty flowers in the tree!
I am gonna miss this's said that one running machine in this new gym costs more than $2000 is expensive!
Yeah! It's me climbing on the tree and taking pcitures! Yoshiki said I'm "distinguished" in his blog! hahahahahahaha.....^_^
When the summer "hot wave" comes, these pretty flowers will look very "dead."
The only thing don't like about these flowers is the pollen. It causes red eyes, itchy noses, and watering eyes. Horrible.......!
Don't you think it looks like cotton candy with honey in the center!? ^_^

Monday, April 12, 2010

星巴克: 法布奇諾冰淇淋

親愛なる君へ :



我一向不喜歡去星巴克買咖啡!說實在的,喝起來就像是花大錢買一杯昂貴地牛奶(咖啡味少得可憐)!也不知道台灣的星巴克在貴什麼,美國這裡一杯貴也不過 3-4 元美金,咱們算 5元好了,折合台幣就是 150-180 元。那是這裡物價貴ㄝ,人民的薪資高ㄝ!憑什麼星巴克搬到台灣也賣同樣的價錢?台灣人民的所得有高於美國人民嗎!? 嘿嘿,這不是大張旗鼓地到台灣搶錢嗎!?

唉!算了,離題了!咱們今天不是要談「星咖啡」,而是嚐嚐這家的冰淇淋!我花了美金 2.88 元買這罐冰淇淋,換句話說,也就是台幣一百元有找!


若不是衝著它所謂的 Java chip (根據罐上的描述,也就是黑巧克力啦!),我壓根兒不會想要下手!好吧,我不再說廢話了,就來嚐嚐吧!




Morning Breakfast in Mid-Autumn Festival

I haven’t been able to watch TV on a regular basis for a long time/or since I was in the U.S. This has formed my habit of not watching cabl...