Spring time in Terre Haute (Indiana) is quite charming. I may not be able to recognize each flower's name, but their beautiful "figures" really cheer me up while walking in the campus.
This one looks very cute and pretty but smells not so

Spring time, fishing time! This fat-belly female bass was caught in Ji Case (Hawthorn Park). I put it back right afte the picture. Hope she gives birth to lots of baby bass this year.

I think it's tulip. "COLORFUL" (Family Housing Unit 4)

I bet this goose is the guardian or the father of little geese arond the lake. Whenever I got closer to them, he started to make loud noise so that little geese would swim away.

Anchang and I were fascinated by these two ducks. They were always together no matter what! Cute duck copule!!! ^_^

The squirrel didn't like me and my camera. In a blink of an eye, it ran away.

Finishing the gym workout, Yoshiki and I could not help but keep taking pictures of those pretty flowers in the tree!

I am gonna miss this gym...it's said that one running machine in this new gym costs more than $2000 USD...wow...that is expensive!

Yeah! It's me climbing on the tree and taking pcitures! Yoshiki said I'm "distinguished" in his blog! hahahahahahaha.....^_^

When the summer "hot wave" comes, these pretty flowers will look very "dead."

The only thing don't like about these flowers is the pollen. It causes red eyes, itchy noses, and watering eyes. Horrible.......!

Don't you think it looks like cotton candy with honey in the center!? ^_^
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