Thursday, March 6, 2008

Life always finds a way...

I have never been so depressed on Monday and Tuesday this week. First of all, I could not tolerate my toothache any more and decided to go to a dentist in the neighborhood. Well, health is more important than anything, isn't it? But I had to pay USD$51 just for the exam and X-ray. (I screamed in my mind: why don't you just rob the bank?) My hesitation stopped me, and that took me to another dental clinic near Honey Creek Mall, Aspen Dental. This clinic will not cost me a penny for the exam…however, I got to wait until next Wednesday to meet the scheduled time for the exam. Wow, how wonderful!

Anger, disappointment, and pain dragged me out of Aspen Dental and I went back to the dentist near my apartment. Again, the fastest appointment I could have is next Tuesday morning. Hahahahaha…God really has a sense of "humor." As soon as I went back to my apartment and was ready to take and rest for further studies of my statistics, my internet was dead. Well, let me tell you something, Mr. God: You are not……funny at all!!!!!

Alright! You want me to have some frustration! Fine, let's feel it and taste the bitterness.

Despite the toothache and the dead internet, I finished my assignment and went to the statistic class on Tuesday. Well, Well, Well…while Yoshiki and I sat down in the lab and checked our homework, I took a look at my emails since I failed to get online at home. Then guess what!!! Dr, Marte sent out the email, telling us the class was cancelled because of the coming snow storm on that night! The email was sent at 4:59pm while Yoshiki and I left for school at around 5:03pm!!!!!

What the heck! We just stayed at the lab, finished the assignment, and submitted it online. As we were on our way walking back, it was snowing very hard, making the campus all while.

Hahahaha…that was actually very beautiful…something I'd never have a chance to see in Taiwan. Maybe this is life…huh...going up and down just like being on a roller coaster. At that moment, I guess I finally realize what Dr. Barratt said about the optimism. No matter how you feel, life will be just the way it is. You smile, things will go on; you cry, things will still go on! So why makes yourself miserable? Just enjoy the moment…

Yoshiki and I were taking pictures while we were walking back.
Mark this day, Frank! From now on, you are an optimist.

By the way, the next day, March 5, was a sunny and warm day. Yoshiki and I went to Leclub and enjoyed a nice afternoon workout. ^_^


Yoshiki said...

Now, I know at least God screws yours and Robert's life well!! haha

Yoshiki said...

For correction, YOUR and Robert's LIVES...(sign) I enjoyed teh afternoon workout. But after working out, my UG shuts down temporarily.haha

「不為無益之事,何以悦有涯之生」 said...

Well, your "typo" system was also activated by workout too. hahahahaha...take care, buddy!

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