Friday, August 19, 2011


親愛なる君へ :



自己做的一餐: 水燙青花菜、生的小紅蘿蔔、義式千島沙拉醬、兩片雞柳條(要價大約3元美金吧~約台幣90~免油錢)~健康/少油少鹽少糖

Taiwan Tea House的一餐: Deep Fried Pork with Rice 就是台灣的炸豬排飯 (要價7元美金~約台幣210~開車一小時三十分鐘~來回約30元美金的油錢)

Mug N Buns 的特製豬排堡加上自製的沙士: 要價約 7元美金~約台幣210~開車約一小時~來回約20元美金的油錢

Volvo C30 T5 北美價 $26350 USD


因緣際會,朋友租車,我也幸運地能夠開到!瑞典 富豪汽車果然加速及穩定方面很出色~我在美國的高速公路上開得很過癮


但是說實話,有錢我也不會買這部車!!! 車內空間不大、座椅不是很舒服!這倒不是說我不喜歡這車的內裝~它的極簡風格有種俐落的高雅!


我真的不年輕了~~ ><




Yoshiki said...

Did you get a new car?? jijijij How's fishing going there? I have been having night mares here!!! jijiji I might not be able to go back there so please be ready for that! jijijiji

「不為無益之事,何以悦有涯之生」 said...

Well, first of all, that's the rental car of Queena's. I just gave it a test drive. It ran like wild animal. hahahahaha.....Second of all, I did not go fishing except the day I was on my way to pick Queena up in the airport. The water level was low and the condition was bad. ><

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