Once...once we meet again, we will be above the clouds...and I'll be making a nice brew of Mocha for you. As for me, some Scotch will be fine...cause I've been missing you in waves.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Coffee Addict: French Press Coffee
Monday, October 24, 2011
What a Week
Monday, September 26, 2011
親愛なる君へ :
記不記得我曾說過:「要找到一瓶好酒不難,可要有個好酒伴就不容易囉!」所以古人就說過--酒逢知己千杯少! 在美國這裡也差不多!
Jack Daniel's Tennessee 這支酒在美國很常見,20元美金(相當於台幣大約六百元) 就可以在超市或是藥房買到! 說實在的,口感其實也不錯了!而且當年在電影[女人香 Scent of a Woman] 裡 Al Pacino 幾乎是當水喝了...呵呵呵呵!當然,如果依我的評價來看,調合威士忌裡面,還是日本 Suntory 的 山崎 (Yamazaki) 和 角瓶 (Kakubin) 要略勝一籌!
這支威士忌應該是Jack Daniel's 出產的一支"花招"酒-Jacke Daniel's Tennseess Honey-顧名思義,就是威士忌加上蜂蜜的調味! 我在架上看到後,往往返返地走來走去,內心抗爭了許久,終於還是不敵好奇心,買回家嚐嚐( 算是給我自己今年的生日禮物吧)!!!!!!
最近看過的一部戲Robin hood裡面,羅素克洛的同伴們一人繳了兩個硬幣向修士買醉!那修士給他們喝的就是所謂的蜂蜜酒(mead)--我一面抱著酒瓶去結帳,一面想像著~~~該是啥滋味!!!!!! Well, 溫潤的口感,也沒了傳統威士忌的那種濃厚的麥芽味道! 好喝~好入喉~~~只能說,也許上不了男人幫的檯面酒;但要是在有男有女的小聚會,加點綠茶或是調味的Tonic Water,應該足以賓主盡歡地喝個過癮!我想,Jack Daniel's 出這支酒,應該也是為了將威士忌更普遍化...更加迎合女性和不太喝烈酒的人吧!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Whiskey Enlightenment
Friday, August 19, 2011
親愛なる君へ :
自己做的一餐: 水燙青花菜、生的小紅蘿蔔、義式千島沙拉醬、兩片雞柳條(要價大約3元美金吧~約台幣90元~免油錢)~健康/少油少鹽少糖
Taiwan Tea House的一餐: Deep Fried Pork with Rice 就是台灣的炸豬排飯 (要價7元美金~約台幣210元~開車一小時三十分鐘~來回約30元美金的油錢)
Mug N Buns 的特製豬排堡加上自製的沙士: 要價約 7元美金~約台幣210元~開車約一小時~來回約20元美金的油錢
Volvo C30 T5 北美價 $26350 USD
因緣際會,朋友租車,我也幸運地能夠開到!瑞典 富豪汽車果然加速及穩定方面很出色~我在美國的高速公路上開得很過癮
但是說實話,有錢我也不會買這部車!!! 車內空間不大、座椅不是很舒服!這倒不是說我不喜歡這車的內裝~它的極簡風格有種俐落的高雅!
我真的不年輕了~~ ><
Thursday, August 11, 2011
咖啡味の 夢想
親愛なる君へ :
曾幾何時,白色襯衫、牛仔褲、深海軍藍的圍裙;陽光、Bossa Nova 音樂、手中的Syphon,陣陣咖啡香! 我還曾幻想自己是店老闆,煮出來的咖啡一杯杯都要親自喝過,就算站了一整天的吧檯,就算連午餐都沒時間吃,只要客人滿足地說:「小諾,咖啡、還是喝你煮的最讚。」呵呵,那是連作夢都會笑的場景!
這麼些年了,我始終不會忘記花園裡學過的東西,所有輕食的作法及要領,就好似如數家珍地、不時地浮現在眼前! 在美國這麼多年,吃過那麼多西餐,但在心裡,咖啡和三明治仍然是最佳拍擋!
今天中午的午餐是用Honey Wheat Bagel 做的雞柳三明治!沒有啥訣竅,Romaine 菜加上紫洋蔥,雞柳切平用薄油煎熟後灑上一點黑胡椒鹽,然後再放一點蛋黃醬和Bagel夾起來就行了! 健康輕食主義:少鹽少油又少糖! 咖啡的話,也是餐後一小時搭配幾片燕麥餅乾一起喝的!不會影響到正餐的消化!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
It's not fish I am after
What is my hobby? For lots of Taiwanese students, in fact, a hobby is sort of luxurious thought. In my memory, there was no such a thing as a hobby for me from elementary school to college; Oh, yeah, not even when I was in the master's program in the U.S. I've never collected stamps which was considered a "good" hobby when I was in the elementary school. I did play some sports, including baseball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, and basketball. But none of them developed into the category of "my favorite hobby." Obviously, I am not tall and strong enough. On the other hand, sports in Taiwan are seldom developed into profitable career unless they are associated with gangs or illegal gambling.
Well, somehow I still feel myself lucky because I find something that will be my lifelong interest: bass fishing. Fishing was not really my thing when I grew up in Taiwan. I've never thought that sitting there and waiting fish to bite the bait is so much fun. However, bass fishing in the U.S. consists of various rigs, skills, lures, and knowledge. Just talking about rigs and tips, we may easily find tons of information about them on Google Search. Some may regard bass fishing as a leisure activity while others may take it as a professional career. For me, I'd like to view bass fishing as competitions between human and nature. There is no winning or losing but endless mind game in this sport. Let me quote a saying from a fishing calendar (which was a gift from my favorite professor, Dr. Nelson): many men go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.
My rod, reel, and rig: Shimano Voltaeus 6.6' Medium casting rod, Shimano Curado 200E7, and 3/8 oz jig with Strike King Rage Tail craw (Okeechobee).
The rod on the right is Daiwa 6' Medium Light Spinning rod and Neko rig with Zoom Swamp crawler (June bug).
Seldom do I say: I am a big fan of … I mean I like Kevin VanDam. Talking about bass fishing in the world, he is definitely #1 in my mind. But to be honest, I like Hata Takuma better. Sometimes he is more like a comedian to me. He is funny even when he is fishing. Maybe it's his spirit that make me feel that fishing is an enjoyable sport: enjoying the process of fishing, learning from each fishing experience, and letting the results go by the God's will.
Monday, July 25, 2011
親愛なる君へ :
「回憶」是一種很奇妙的禮物;能使人開懷大笑,也能使人痛哭流涕。我一直以為時間拉長了,心情會慢慢平復,淡淡地,就不再那麼痛了! 也許那天一忙起來,也就記不清楚了。但事實上,根本就不是這樣!
景物依舊;但人事全非! 回到美國,就是開車去買菜都不免傷感起來-原來一棵樹、一個路上的招牌、甚至超市裡最平凡無奇的蔬果,都會使我想起很多!就像不會間斷的紀錄片一樣,轉身,我還覺得她就在我身旁,我還在說:「今天的高麗菜很便宜又新鮮,買大顆一點,可以吃好機天。」這種感覺很難過,三不五時地在心上割一刀,傷口永遠都難復元!最糟的是,每天都會在我眼前上演,只是場景不同。
Connie常常被我停在樹蔭下,一兩天都不去動她! 因為我好怕出門,好怕在那裡又有甚麼東西又讓我想起她! 每次一想起她,我就會想喝酒,而且一喝就很容易醉!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Dream Lamb-chop
My sister asked me: what do you want to eat the most when you are back in Taiwan this time? The first dish came to my mind is the lamb-chop made by a cool beard-guy in Tainan. Its Chinese name is "東北十三香烤羊肉." In translation, I infer that the lamb-chop has been seasoned with thirteen different kinds of spices and that may be originated from the Northeast of Mainland China. (Well, I've heard that the owner's wife comes from the northeastern part of China.) Anyway, the lamb-chop was a little crispy outside and juicy inside. Combined with various seasoning, it was surely a perfect match with a glass of red wine, or maybe beer.
Further information about the restaurant: 食草堂羊肉舖子
Riding a bike to Anping and all the way back to my home took me around forty to fifty minutes. It was nice exercise when I had no access to any workout center in Tainan. As a matter of fact, I stopped by a fitness center called "Workout Factory" near my home. The price for one-year membership would cost me six hundred US dollars which was six times of the price in ISU. Wow~~~again, I was spoiled by the gym in ISU.
During the Dragon Boat Festival, I bought a giant hot dog which cost me 50 Taiwan dollars (almost 2 USD). Well, it was just a piece of hot dog wrapped with bunch of fries. Believe me, I was sweating like hell while eating that hot dog. I should have just bought a cup of bubble tea. ^^
Morning Breakfast in Mid-Autumn Festival
I haven’t been able to watch TV on a regular basis for a long time/or since I was in the U.S. This has formed my habit of not watching cabl...

Sweating by the abs and shoulder training, Yoshiki and I was enjoying the snow-white scene out of the window in the Leclub. Soon after we fi...
I got this bottle of Glenlivet single malt Scotch from Sherry as my Christmas gift in 2007. I got to tell you, Sherry: this is the best rewa...