I got my car on Friday (May 2, 2008).Before I give a detailed information about the first car in my life, I want to share with you all about the marvelous day in Turkey-Run State Park.

It was such a sunny day with cool air and a little breeze. I did not feel hot and sweaty at all. Well, as a matter of fact, I am not really a nature-goer. Walking on the grass and leaves makes me feel nervous cause I am always worried about snakes. However, the scenery in the park helped relieve my tension and worry. In my eyes, there were green trees, shiny river, rocky valley, and little waterfall.

Nathan and I spent about thirty walking on Trail #6 and about an hour on Trail #3. …Exhausted, but feeling so relaxed and fascinated by the natural scenes. We hopped on little rocks while crossing various little rivers. We stopped by some rocky caves and valleys, pretending we are ancient monks or "supermen." When we saw the clean cool water in the river, we "almost" took off our shoes and jumped into it.
Summer is coming. I can feel that.
I am gonna spend more time exploring the beauty of Indiana, and other gorgeous places in the US. Life…shall be wasted in beautiful things!!!

Just take a break! Not tired yet, but need a deep breath to say "Thank you" to God: You have done a good job creating the earth.

I guess there is too much iron in the rock or the water, making the color

Don't worry about Nathan. He was just too stressed out because he is about to leave Indiana and go back Taiwan. Hahahahaha…!!!

I was a little tired actually. Jumping up and down really makes my legs tired.

What about taking a shower under that waterfall, pal??? It must be

I hope you become a monk here and I may come every once in a while to worship you. Hahahahaha...

Yeah, right! So now you decide to become a
superman…what's next, pal!???

Isn't this gorgeous? I wanna go canoeing here next time.

Well, actually, it's forbidden to swim here! Are there any
crocodiles there in the river?

Wow…I need to drink a second cup of coffee! What a day!!!!!!!! (Don't you have a fat-belly problem, buddy?)
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