Monday, May 26, 2008

Fancy Static Removal & Suntory Whisky

Terre Haute is located in the mid-west of the United States. The air is usually very dry, especially in winter. Therefore, people get static very often when they open car doors or even touch anything. Sometimes, a slight finger touch with each other also gives us a shock and it hurts. Well, I seldom have this situation in Taiwan since the weather there is usually very humid.

This Saturday, Yoshiki came back from Japan and brought me two gifts! One was a fancy static removal; the other was Suntory whisky. I like the static removal very much because it looks very fancy to me and I may not get one anywhere in Taiwan... not even in the US. I wonder why I couldn't find this kind of things in the US. It could be very dangerous if the static electric happened when I want to pump the gas. What the heck! But anyway, from now on, I don't have to be afraid of the static shock whenever I open my car door or pump the gas.
(Connie may not be able to "remind" me of her love to me any more.) Hahahaha…

The static removal has a funny word on it: FATE! Well, is it my "FATE" not to get shock again because of this cute little sucker!? Or…if I get shock again, it may be my "FATE" to suffer even with the help of this static removal!!!

I swear…I really decide to control the amount of alcohol I can have. I was not expecting to get whisky from Yoshiki as a gift! I am not saying that I don't like the whisky or something. But, does my face reflect the word "ALCOHOL" to everyone? Well, then, I shall become a famous commercial star, playing an influential character and selling alcohols. And the best part is: I may not need a PhD to become a celebrity and make a lot of money. Hahahaha…

ありがとう ………


Yoshiki said...


I hope you like them,
and it is too bad that if I am discouraging you to study by giving that wiskey... maybe I can take it back.. haha

I was wodering about the word, too.. FATE... As we learned in Dr. Nelson's class, Japanese are strage people. They just want to use English, and think that it looks cool or something.. What the heck!! but hopefully, it gets rid of your static electricity.

「不為無益之事,何以悦有涯之生」 said...

You didn't discourage me to study hard! But you encouraged me to live a happy life! hahahaha.....

Yoshiki said...

Oh yeah? that is good. That is all what I am trying to do!! Am I God or what? haha

diby said...

doesn't the remover looks cool? i think i saw one a while ago, and was thinking maybe i should give one to my sister who might be in the states soon. i think you have chances to see her, frank! take care of her if the time comes.

「不為無益之事,何以悦有涯之生」 said...

Sure! You know how to reach me! Just let me know when the time comes.
Tomorrow will be the last day of my Prelims. I may have more free time after then!

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