Snow kept falling on my head and shoulder, reminding me of the first-time snow experience on November 1, 2005. I was like a crazy country boy, dancing, hopping, and running in the snow. Oh, that was thrilling and exciting…I recalled. Well, when was the last time you had this kind of "simple pleasure" in your life? While we are getting older, we are also getting used to everything around us. Then we become more and more insensitive…eventually NUMB!!!
It's just like working out. In the very beginning, I used to get excited because the muscle growth showed obvious progress. But when the progress did not seem so "visible," the excitement diminished and so did the motivation. Fortunately, I've got a friend who has been working out with me since the first day I signed up in the Leclub. We tortured each other, encouraged each other, and of course, pushed each other. He is Yoshiki Hasegawa from Japan. Thanks to him, we do not get used to weight training and become "NUMB." We get numb muscles because of serious training and always feel sore the other day. We have been doing this for more than a year and we are going to move on.
Today…I was still excited about the snow. I don't know…maybe it's because of the words from Buddha: while you fail to change the situation, change your attitude. What's stronger may not be the power to change everything, but the will to endure the hardship.
Hahahahaha...Look at Yoshiki! He was tired! Smile, pal. We are becoming IRON MEN.

Come on, how can I smile after working out so hard!!
Do you recognize how hard the shoulder traing was for me today? You kept working out like literally a iron man, but it was damn hard!!
Thats why I cannot help falling asleep afer going to LeClub.
You are really torturing me like you wrote. I got to find ways to torture you. jiji
Bring it on...buddy! I am ready for "the training in hell."
Oh, man! Apprently, I invited a wrong person... I did not relize I was getting into hell by doing that.. haha
By the way, the quote is really nice and I even hear Joal say something like that. But you know what? when you are phisically tired, it is really difficult to change your attitude, which means you could have worked harder!!since you are smiling!!
Besides, I think nothing is more important than being helthy to live like the quote...
Well, maybe we should forget about the physical tiredness. Will power is something we should aim at, isn't it? Hahahahaha...May Buddha be with us!!! ^_^
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