Saturday, April 5, 2008

Frank-Made Chinese Honeycomb Tripe

I was not being asked by the cashier in Wal-Mart: "What is this?" (Anchang said he was asked by the cashier last time!) Maybe most Americans do not know what the honeycomb tripe is. That's right…it's cow's stomach. Americans may wonder why we Chinese people almost eat everything with four legs!!! They problably think it nasty to eat animal's organs like honeycomb tripe. Just wait until you guys come to China, you will find more Chinese food FAR beyond your imagination...Hahahahahah…!!!

This pot of honeycomb tripe took me more than three hours. Look delicious!? Actually, I put too much sugar in the sauce that it tasted a little too sweet, not as what I have expected. Next time, I will use Coke as substitution for sugar because its sweetness is just fine and the color looks deeper. Am I coming closer to a chef!?

By the way, I learned how to preserve garlic with vinegar. Oh! You will never imagine how it tastes with dumplings. It's a chef's combination from God's inspiration. But the disadvantage is that you will have an awfully bad breath after eating garlic. Well, what the heck! Why should I care? It's not like I am having a date every evening or something! Those who will complain about my bad breath may be Sharon, Yoshiki, Anchang, and Nathan cause I hang out with them the most.

What!? So I eat too much garlic…SUE me!!! ^_^


Yoshiki said...

So,aren't you concerned about those names listed there?? Do you think we tolerate your bad breath?? No way! Sharon, sure, she is your wife, she has got to. But the rest of us has the right to be protected!! As a representative of Frank's friends, I will give others a warning, and declare that we evaculate from you until this crisis calm down!! Therefore, as the first step, goinging to LeClub will be cancelled on Sunday. jijiji

「不為無益之事,何以悦有涯之生」 said...

Thank you very much, pal!
And by the way, I can hardly move my neck this morning! Maybe it's because I ate too much garlic! hahahahahahaha...

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